Migrate Accounts from cPanel to DirectAdmin

First of all create a folder in


Then take your cpanel backup and move the backup file to direct admin server folder


then you need to enable the cpanel to direct admin converter tool in your direct admin server

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build cpanel_to_da

Now you need to use the chown command so the backup file you transferred to the directadmin server will get correct permissions

chown -R admin. /home/admin/converted_user_backup

If your cPanel account username has a name length more than 8, then run the following command to increase the name length on the DirectAdmin server also by running the following command. In the following command, the value ‘16’ represents that the name length should set to 16 on the DirectAdmin server.

/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set max_username_length 16 restart

Now, log in to the DirectAdmin front-end by hitting the following URL in any of the browsers.
Go to the ‘Admin Tools’ tab and select the ‘Admin Backup/Transfer’ option, as shown in the following screenshot.